Our Services
Osage Veterinary Services is your go to veterinarian for your livestock needs. Bovine services include whole herd health protocols including pregnancy checking with aging and histogram development, breeding soundness exams for heifers and bulls, estrus synchronization and artificial insemination, calf health and specific disease treatment protocols, weaning preconditioning protocols, and regulatory work such as Brucellosis (Bang’s or Calfhood) vaccinations. Equine services include annual wellness exams and preventative medicine such as designing vaccination protocols, deworming schedules, oral health exams and dental corrections for your horses. Small ruminant and swine exams and services are also provided as well as Certificates of Veterinary Inspection (Health papers) for all livestock. If you would like to know more about the services that we offer, contact us today!

Bovine Services

Equine Services

Small Ruminants & Swine

Kyle Stromgren, DVM
Osage Veterinary Services LLC
11790 S Hoch Rd
Burlingame, KS 66413